My Husband Is My Wife..

My Husband Is My Wife...


Malathi said…
SHould I say a wonderful story. Wish you could continue
Unknown said…
U r lucky
Unknown said…
U r lucky
Unknown said…
Purpplebae said…
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Purpplebae said…
When we newly met, My boyfriend never fails to surprise me and make me fall more in love all over again ever day, so I decided to give him the privilege to win my heart, I believe that a successful relationship requires effort from both partners and even my simple gestures always make his day. Badly, recently his attitude started to take a negative turn, as he never cared as he used to, and most times looked me in the eye and told me lies. I recently found out he was cheating on me, thanks for the SpyApp programmed for me by this Media lord ' hackingloop6@gmail . com ' who hacked his phone and gained me remote access to his phone activities, I found out he has been cheating on me with a lady at his workplace. I miss the days when sharing my feelings made him cry and he hugged me tight !!!!
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