When we take birth we are naked.The first physical difference between man & woman we can identify at the time of birth.But at that time we are totaly blank.Our parents our relatives our surrounding our friends teaches us how to behave.who we are.They give us the differenciation as male,female.they makes the difference in us more prominent.Suppose if you born as a male you have to wear definite pattern of cloths.
Suppose if you born as female you have to behave like woman.you have to look beautiful,you have this type of restrictions over you. All thease things gets forced on us.I aggree that there is prominent difference bet male & female.Male is more aggressive,powerful,with hairs above & below lips.No breasts.Womans are by nature beautiful.But one or more times it definatly happens that male does not behave like as he is supposed to behave.He shows more interests in the activities of opposite sex.Its fact.Each and every fact has some alternatives.Some times it happens that man wants to become woman or woman wants to become man.But this desire is more in men.Some men likes to present them as women.They wear the clothes of opposite sex,they behave likes womans,they act like the womans.Always my mind has this question ? why like this.why there is third gender.Why there are not only males & females.Since childhood i am facing this question.I dont know how i got attracted towards cross dressing but i am sure that not every man has this tendancy.there are mens who are purly mens.there is no difference in there mind.
But i am now realising that each man can be converted as female.each man has maximum probality of femine side.If he get noticed then he canot avoide it.Its ok if he does not get noticed.Or not thoughted of it.But once you feel something different by wearing womans clothes,looking,behaving like them and if you get pleasure from that its not at all possible to come out of that mentality.Absolutly not possible.So its better not to get noticed about your femine side,if noticed dont think too much about it,neglet the thoughts at early stage,once you enter in cross dressing ,practiced more get pleasure then forget about you your male personality.The female inside you will never allow you to be male always.Any toime she can come in front of you.You will get addicted about it and your world will get changed.So first dont think of cross dressing its better.If think dare then its immossible to come out or difficult.Dephends upon your mental condition,strength,control.Slowly you try to look more and more of the female inside you.This condition is like abhimanyu in mahabharata.He was having the knowledge about how to enter in the chakraview but dont have knowledge to quit.And our society respect either male or female.Not the middle one.