Makeover Artists and crossdressing

Makeover Artists and crossdressing

There is a serious disconnect generally, as the CD does not know what she exactly needs and, the MUA often just repeats it on everyone, assuming it to be his or her signature.

Beauty is not one fit all!

But then it comes at a cost.

There are likes of Joban Binda Crossy Hub who try to make it different for each individual who gors to them, but then sometimes they risk falling into a trap too, if the CD has not given an attention to detail.

In my view, a CD herself should know, what works best for her and she can carry it confidentially.

Joban Binda does take care of it, if you are indulgent about it.

It helps your mental health as when you geel beautiful, you look beautiful.

#cdbeautytips #cdhealthwithnimisha 

But remember it comes at a premium! 
